Shorten Your Development Cycle

Shortened development cycle - space tech's top challenge

A shortened development cycle is the leading challenge facing today’s space tech industry. Sustain the pace of innovation while assuring optimal performance with Keysight’s digital, automated design and testing solutions – encompassing your entire workflow.

Videos: boost engineering efficiency with advanced design tools

Predict design performance with digital twins

Learn how to use data and high-fidelity models to create digital twin architectures that shorten your development timeline.

Increase confidence in your RF satcom design

Learn about the latest design techniques including 3D / conformal phased array analysis and dynamic mission performance simulations.

Expert tips for digital phased array designs

Learn about digital beamformer ICs (BFIC) used in phased array designs for defense, satellite communications, 5G, and broadband low Earth orbit (LEO) constellations.

High-fidelity modeling of satcom systems

Keysight and Ansys combine mission-level modeling with component-level system design to provide a realistic way to prototype satcom systems virtually.

Emulate satellite communications scenarios in the lab

What is channel emulation and why is it important?

Land-based 5G networks will start linking to satellites, necessitating satellite link testing. Channel emulation solutions enable 5G designers to test their satellite links in the lab under realistic conditions.

Keysight podcast: above and beyond

Private: Digitalization meets space and satellite engineering

Take the lead on satellite design using digital engineering

Win the race to design and deploy satellite technologies and systems. Learn how new digital engineering techniques can accelerate your development and reduce risk and costs.

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