Keysight empfiehlt die Verwendung der aktuellen Version, die die neuesten verfügbaren Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitspatches enthält.
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version Versionsbeschreibung
2016-03-10 License Installer version
Veröffentlichungsdatum Version
Version Description
License Installer version

How to Download

  1. Click the Download button.
  2. Save the file to your computer.
  3. Select the executable file.

How to Install

  • Follow these steps to install the license:

  • 1. You may activate the device license through the 34450ALicenseInstaller application downloaded from
    2. You will require a valid device license key (*.lic). If you do not have a device license key, you will need to redeem your device license key at Follow the on-screen instructions to redeem a valid license key for your device.
    3. Once you have received the license key, save the file to your PC.
    4. Connect your instrument to PC through USB and launch the 34450ALicenseInstaller application
    5. Select your instrument VISA address from the pull down list, load device license key (*.lic) file and click on install button.
    6. To verify your device license(s), go to instrument front panel Utility > GPIB/50k Memory: ON


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC

Operating System

  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP


  • Required Software:

  • - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and above.

  • - IO Libraries Suite 16.2 (or later)

Supported Instruments

  • 34450A

How to Download

  • 1. Click the Download button
    2. Save the file to your PC or desktop
    3. Select the appropriate executable file

How to Install

  • Follow these steps to install the license(s):
    1.You may activate the device license through the 34450ALicenseInstaller application downloaded from
    2.You will require a valid device license key (*.lic). If you do not have a device license key, you will need to redeem your device license key at Follow the on-screen instructions to redeem a valid license key for your device.
    3.Once you have received the license key, save the file to your PC.
    4.Connect your instrument to PC through USB and launch the 34450ALicenseInstaller application
    5.Select your instrument VISA address from the pull down list, load device license key (*.lic) file and click on install button.
    6.To verify your device license(s), go to instrument front panel Utility > GPIB/50k Memory: ON


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC

Operating System

  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

  • IO Libraries 16.2 (or later)

Supported Instruments

  • 34450A