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How do I clear non-volatile memory locations for security purposes?

For Keysight Model 66000A, each module has 5 states where data can be saved (0 to 4). State 'ZERO' is the wake-up state. To clear all states, save ZERO into each state.

Keysight Model 6032A is a very old design and states are volatile. Turn off the AC to the unit, and it will be unresponsive.

Keysight Model 6684A has 4 states (0 to 3). To clear, save ZERO to the state number.

Keysight Model N3300A is a bit more complicated because it has 10 states. States 1 to 6 can be cleared by sending the supply a *RCL. *RST will clear states 1-6, or turn off the AC to the load. States 0, 7, 8 and 9 have to be cleared by saving a ZERO to each state.

All memory is EEPROM.

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