다운로드 방법

  • Click on the download button and save the NTSA_Axxx.exe file to a temporary location on your PC or directly on your supported VNA.

설치 방법

  • To install, first exit any running instance of NTSA, then double-click the NTSA_Axxx.exe file.

  • Follow the instructions for the installation.

  • Installation will automatically uninstall any existing older version of software.

  • Installation will automatically install Keysight License Manager software on your PC or analyzer if the correct version is not already installed.


  • Requires a License

지원 문서

  • Initial NTSA release.  Future releases will include Release Notes.

Installs on: PC

운영 체제

  • Windows 10

선결 조건

지원되는 계측기

  • Benchtop VNAs:PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X models N52xxB with firmware version A.13.60.xx or newer. ENA E5080B model with firmware version A.13.70.xx or newer. Also Modular & USB VNAs: PXI M98xxA modular VNA models and Streamline Series USB VNA P50XXA models