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다운로드 방법
- Click the ‘Download’ button
- Run the installer
설치 방법
- Follow through the Keysight Install Wizard setup instructions
- Check the ‘Launch Keysight Install Wizard’ box and click ‘Finish’ to launch the install wizard
- Check the ‘Keysight Event-Based Power Analysis’ and all the pre-requisite boxes, click ‘Install’ button and follow the instructions
- Requires a License
지원 문서
Installs on: PC
운영 체제
- Windows 10
선결 조건
- Keysight IO Libraries Suite 2019 Version (18.1.24715)
- Keysight PathWave Desktop Edition 2020B (1.1.5)
지원되는 계측기
- X8712A