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The KS2201A PathWave Test Sync Executive software is used for precise timing and synchronization of multi-channel measurement systems for quantum, MIMO, beamforming, and other applications. It provides API-based access to system developers utilizing Keysight's Hard Virtual Instrument (HVI) technology.
The 2023 version keeps the 2022 licensing requirements on a per instrument basis. This version continues to support M3xxxx PXIe modules using hardware options.
The 2023 release, like the 2022 release, does not support the M9031A and requires the M9032A/33A PXIe System Sync Modules for multiple chassis. The new M904x PXIe chassis family including the optional High Performance Reference Clock source and the configuration of clock outputs is supported.
다운로드 방법
- Click the download button
- Select run or save
설치 방법
- Run the downloaded installer and follow the installer instructions
- Requires a License
지원 문서
Installs on: PC
운영 체제
- Windows 10 (64-bit) Pro
- Windows 10 (64-bit) Enterprise
선결 조건
지원되는 계측기
- M310x, M320x, M330x, M520x, M530x