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Join us for the launch of Keysight's Eggplant 7.0 to learn how AI-driven computer vision will eliminate your manual software regression testing.
Why It Matters
Today, most teams still use manual testing and in-house testing tools. Forrester Research found that while 71% of organizations aim to automate testing they often rely on a mix of in-house and off-the-shelf tools, resulting in manual testing to fill the gaps. Reliance on manual testing limits the scalability of future testing needs.
Test Hundreds of Different Operating Systems and Mobile Devices
Given the complex landscape of platforms and operating systems, managing the test environment and configuring the system under test (SUT) is time-consuming and expensive. Keysight's Eggplant 7.0 adds connections to Sauce Labs to eliminate the need for device labs by enabling on-demand test execution for any device and OS combination. Quality assurance (QA) teams can test thousands of app/OS/device combinations, ensuring expansive test coverage.
Increase Control of Your Test Assets and Speed Up Your CI/CD Pipeline
Rapid and predictable delivery of high-quality software requires merging your test automation system with your continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Eggplant Test easily integrates with the leading CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, Jira, and GitHub, to deliver a low-code, easy-to-use platform for continuous testing across the full technology stack.
Eggplant 7.0 adds native integration with GitHub improving QA teams' ability to collaborate and manage test cases in real-time. By automating and combining test execution with the development process, teams can control versions, track changes, and manage access permissions for test assets.
Automate UI Testing with Computer Vision and Test Through Your Users' Eyes
Intelligent computer vision uses text and image recognition to identify and execute tests against user interface (UI) elements, without access to the document object model (DOM). Combined with Eggplant’s no-code test modeling, test cases can be built and executed quickly. In addition, Keysight's Eggplant 7.0 adds native support for Citrix environments making it easier to configure connections and test applications in secure environments.
Learn More About Keysight's Eggplant
Explore Keysight's Eggplant Use Cases
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