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Keysight I/CV sample VBScript files for Keysight E5270A
Keysight I/CV sample VBScript files for Keysight E5270A 8-Slot Parametric Measurement Mainframe
Sample I/CV – E5270A VBScript file (ICS/E5270)
This information covers the sample VBScript algorithms for Keysight I/CV version 2.1 and the Keysight E5270A 8-Slot Parametric Measurement Mainframe.
Sample VBScript:
- Threshold voltage Vth measurement using binary search (Bsrch.vbs)
- Id vs. Vg sweep measurement using range management (Sweep_rm.vbs)
- Id vs. Vg sweep measurement with time data (Sweep_ts.vbs)
- Voltage ramp test (Vramp.vbs)
These I/CV VBScript files require the SMU configuration where four SMUs are installed in slots 1,2,3 and 4 or slots 2,3,4 and 5 in the E5270A mainframe.