
  1. Click the download button.
  2. Save the file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved.
  3. Unzip the file to access to the .dfu file.


  1. Connect your function generator to the PC.
  2. Go to Start > Keysight Basic Firmware Update Utility tool.
  3. Click Browse, then select the downloaded dfu file and click open.
  4. Check if the version and instrument model is correct, then click Next.
  5. Key in the VISA address for your LAN/USB connection.
  6. Click on the Update button to perform firmware update.


  • Does Not Require a License


Installs on: Instrument


  • Windows 10


  • Basic Firmware Update Utility
  • NOTICE: Downgrading the EDU33211A Firmware
    Before downgrading to a ‘Previous’ firmware revision, note the firmware revision currently installed (System-Help-About).
    Firmware revision K-01.03.04-01.00 and below can be downgraded to any previous (posted) revision.
    Firmware revision K-01.05.04-01.00 and revisions above that can only be downgraded to firmware version K-01.05.04.


  • EDU33211A