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- Click the download button.
- Save the file to your computer and note the directory where the file is saved.
- Unzip the file to access to the .dfu file.
- Connect your function generator to the PC.
- Go to Start > Keysight Basic Firmware Update Utility tool.
- Click Browse, then select the downloaded dfu file and click open.
- Check if the version and instrument model is correct, then click Next.
- Key in the VISA address for your LAN/USB connection.
- Click on the Update button to perform firmware update.
- Does Not Require a License
Installs on: Instrument
- Windows 10
- Basic Firmware Update Utility
- NOTICE: Downgrading the EDU33211A Firmware
Before downgrading to a ‘Previous’ firmware revision, note the firmware revision currently installed (System-Help-About).
Firmware revision K-01.03.04-01.00 and below can be downgraded to any previous (posted) revision.
Firmware revision K-01.05.04-01.00 and revisions above that can only be downgraded to firmware version K-01.05.04.
- EDU33211A