Precise & Cost-Effective Non-Destructive Testing of Dielectric Materials

To characterize dielectric materials, non-destructively, over a wide range of frequecies and applications, it is essential to direct the energy transmitted to the test sample accurately. MWI Laboratories offers a range of Gaussian Beam Polyrod antenna systems that produce a collimating beam (without a focal point) to inspect composite materials.

  • Non-destructive testing of materials during laboratory QA, in-process QC, post repair verification and maintenance inspection.
  • Available in six configurations from 7–50 GHz. Custom design polyrod antennas can be developed.
  • Can be used in close proximity and set- up for dual polarity
  • Broadband 0.7 - 16GHz antenna available (PRA_0716)
  • Used with Keysight’s Vector Network Analyzers
  • Cost effective solution: costs less to operate, requires less training