(saveFormat "7.0") (date "Mon 04/Oct/2004 14:11:47 ") (veerev "7.0.6310.0") (platform "PC") (execMode v6) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (automationRefs (automationRef 1 (libid "{80D99B14-474A-4C0A-A651-35E380A09BC6}") (desc "Agilent IntuiLink ESG Automation Server") (filename "C:\\Program Files\\Agilent\\IntuiLink\\PSG-ESG\\AgtESGServer.dll") (verMajor 1) (verMinor 0) (lcid 0))) (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 11) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (device 0 FORMULA (properties (name "AgtESGServer.Connect(ConnectionName, IOProgID);") (expr 1 "AgtESGServer.Connect(ConnectionName);")) (interface (input 1 (name "ConnectionName") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 1 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "VISA address string of the instrument")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "TCPIP0::")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 2 FORMULA (properties (name "Creating AgtESGServer Object") (expr 1 "set AgtESGServer = CreateObject(\"AgtESGServer.AgtESGServer\")")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 6 FORMULA (properties (name "AgtESGUtilities.InstrumentModel") (expr 1 "AgtESGServer.Utilities.InstrumentManufacturer")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 7 START25) (device 8 DECLVAR (properties (name "Declare AgtESGServer") (scope glob) (globalName "AgtESGServer")) (implementation (value Object (data "COM OFF AgtESGServerLib.AgtESGServer")))) (device 9 TEXTDISPLAY (properties (name "Instrument Manufacturer Display")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 10 NOTE (properties (text2 1 "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\r\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue128;}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\b\\f0\\fs28 Using PSG/ESG Intuilink driver from VEE:\\par\r\n\\par\r\n\\f1\\fs24 Before running this program, make sure that the \"Agilent Intuilink ESG Automation Server\" is referenced. To check this, go to Device - ActiveX Automation References and make sure that \"Agilent Intuilink ESG Automation Server\" is checked. (Note: If you do not have the Intuilink driver installed in your PC, you can download it from the following website:\\par\r\nwww.agilent.com/find/intuilink)\\par\r\n\\f0\\fs28\\par\r\nThis program illustrates the basic connectivity with the ESG/PSG using the Intuilink driver. \\par\r\n\\par\r\nOnce the connection is established, you can set properties, call methods, etc. They are accessible from the Function and Object Browser under the Device menu.\\par\r\n}\r\n" ))) (configuration (connect D2:0 D0:0) (connect D1:1 D0:1) (connect D4:0 D2:0) (connect D0:0 D3:0) (connect D3:1 D6:1))) (contextCarrier (wndRestoredOrigin 2 2) (wndRestoredExtent 492 348) (wndState max) (active detail) (detail (extent 1148 729) (anchorPt 109 241) (configuration (devCarrierFor 0 (active open) (icon (extent 319 0)) (open (extent 340 50)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 485 130)) (devCarrierFor 1 (active open) (icon (extent 223 0)) (open (extent 259 36)) (pinCenter 40 130)) (devCarrierFor 2 (active open) (icon (extent 181 0)) (open (extent 414 76)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 440 10)) (devCarrierFor 6 (active open) (icon (extent 195 0)) (open (extent 294 56)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 440 250)) (devCarrierFor 7 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 47 22)) (title off) (pinCenter 450 -110)) (devCarrierFor 8 (active open) (icon (extent 135 15)) (open (extent 364 116)) (pinCenter 690 -120)) (devCarrierFor 9 (active open) (icon (extent 194 0)) (open (extent 230 56)) (pinCenter 810 250)) (devCarrierFor 10 (active icon) (icon (extent 68 51) (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 410 180) (editing enabled)) (pinCenter 60 -100)) (connect D2:0 D0:0 (points 2 450 50 450 84)) (connect D1:1 D0:1 (points 2 172 130 192 130)) (connect D4:0 D2:0 (points 2 450 -97 450 -49)) (connect D0:0 D3:0 (points 2 450 157 450 201)) (connect D3:1 D6:1 (points 2 639 250 692 250))) (stackingOrder 4 0 1 2 7 5 6 3)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))