(saveFormat "7.0") (date "Tue 25/Apr/2006 11:10:09 ") (veerev "7.0.6310.0") (platform "PC") (execMode v6) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (sysconfig (iodevice "SA@1419" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 19) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "Source@1415" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 15) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@1416" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 16) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@1418" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 18) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@1417" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 17) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@719" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 19) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@718" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 18) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@717" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 17) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SA@716" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 16) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "Source@715" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 15) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "SpecAna" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 16) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "CSA" (type TCPIP) (channel 180) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (errorChecking 0) (isIncremental 0) (ppAddr "") (model "") (VISAddr ""))) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 90) (popupTitleText "CSA Trace Data") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (device 5 TOFROMSOCKET (properties (transactions 5 "WRITE TEXT \":MMEM:SCR:BACK NORM\" EOL" "WRITE TEXT \":MMEM:STOR:SCR \\\'E:screen.png\\\'\" EOL" "WRITE TEXT \":MMEM:DATA? \\\'E:screen.png\\\'\" EOL" "READ BINBLOCK Screen BYTE ARRAY:*" "WRITE TEXT \":MMEM:DEL \\\'E:screen.png\\\'\" EOL")) (interface (input 1 (type control) (name "Host Name") (tag "Host Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints) (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Screen") (optional yes)) (output 2 (type exception) (name "Error") (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (attr iopath socket "connect" "" 5025 (readTerm "\n") (fs " ") (eol "\n") (multiField fullSyntax) (arrayFormat block) (timeout 20) (byteOrder 0)))) (device 10 START25) (device 57 MESSAGEBOX (properties (position 711 388) (message "No instrument found at this IP address.") (symbol Exclamation)) (interface (output 1 (name "OK") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (customButtons 0) (displayMode 3) (buttons "OK") (buttonLabel1 "OK") (buttonLabel2 "") (buttonLabel3 "") (bdefault "OK"))) (device 70 INPUTDLG (properties (name "Enter IP Address") (position 741 268) (prompt "Enter your IP Address:") (initialValue "") (valueConstraint "strLen(value)>0") (vErrorMessage "You must enter text.")) (interface (output 1 (name "Value") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (inputType "text"))) (device 73 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 79 TOFILE (properties (transactions 2 "WRITE BINARY a BYTE" "EXECUTE CLOSE")) (interface (input 1 (name "a") (optional yes)) (input 2 (type control) (name "File Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (attr iopath file write "C:\\TEMP\\screen.png" (readTerm "\n") (fs "\r\n") (eol "\r\n") (multiField fullSyntax) (arrayFormat block)))) (device 80 FILESELECT (properties (name "File Name Selection") (prompt "Select File or Enter File Name:") (initialDirectory "C:\\Temp") (initialFile "*.png") (dialogMode Writing)) (interface (output 1 (name "File Name") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (device 81 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 82 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 86 PICTURE (interface (input 1 (name "File Name") (tag "File Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)))) (device 87 NOTE (properties (text2 1 "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\r\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red0\\green0\\blue128;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\ul\\b\\f0\\fs29 PLEASE NOTE:\\par\r\n\\cf2\\ulnone\\f1\\fs28\\par\r\n\\cf3\\b0\\f0\\fs29 Since a screen capture can only be saved to a USB storage device connected to the analyzer, this program can only work if one of these supported devices is connected at the time this program is run.\\fs24\\par\r\n}\r\n" ))) (configuration (connect D3:0 D0:0) (connect D3:1 D0:1) (connect D0:2 D2:0) (connect D1:0 D3:0) (connect D3:2 D4:0) (connect D6:0 D5:0) (connect D0:1 D5:1) (connect D6:1 D5:2) (connect D0:0 D6:0) (connect D2:1 D7:0) (connect D6:2 D8:0) (connect D5:0 D9:0) (connect D6:1 D9:1))) (contextCarrier (wndOrigin 19 25) (wndState res) (active detail) (detail (extent 1194 893) (anchorPt -207 82) (configuration (devCarrierFor 5 (active open) (icon (extent 97 54)) (open (extent 334 256)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 550 270)) (devCarrierFor 10 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 43 24)) (title off) (pinCenter 540 -10)) (devCarrierFor 57 (active icon) (icon (extent 78 17)) (open (extent 217 132)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 850 370)) (devCarrierFor 70 (active icon) (icon (extent 91 25)) (open (extent 234 107)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 540 70)) (devCarrierFor 73 (active icon) (icon (extent 27 15)) (open (extent 63 31)) (pinCenter 630 100)) (devCarrierFor 79 (active icon) (icon (extent 39 25)) (open (extent 231 127)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 540 500)) (devCarrierFor 80 (active icon) (icon (extent 104 25)) (open (extent 314 96)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 540 450)) (devCarrierFor 81 (active icon) (icon (extent 27 15)) (open (extent 63 31)) (pinCenter 900 410)) (devCarrierFor 82 (active icon) (icon (extent 27 15)) (open (extent 63 31)) (pinCenter 640 490)) (devCarrierFor 86 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 1024 764) (pictureMode actual)) (title off) (pinCenter 1510 470)) (devCarrierFor 87 (active open) (icon (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 410 180) (editing disabled)) (title off) (bg "White") (pinCenter 580 710)) (connect D3:0 D0:0 (points 2 540 85 540 121)) (connect D3:1 D0:1 (points 6 588 60 600 60 600 40 290 40 290 270 310 270)) (connect D0:2 D2:0 (points 3 769 340 850 340 850 359)) (connect D1:0 D3:0 (points 2 540 4 540 55)) (connect D3:2 D4:0 (points 3 588 80 630 80 630 90)) (connect D6:0 D5:0 (points 2 540 465 540 485)) (connect D0:1 D5:1 (points 6 769 200 790 200 790 540 500 540 500 490 518 490)) (connect D6:1 D5:2 (points 6 594 440 610 440 610 420 470 420 470 510 518 510)) (connect D0:0 D6:0 (points 2 540 400 540 435)) (connect D2:1 D7:0 (points 3 891 370 900 370 900 400)) (connect D6:2 D8:0 (points 3 594 460 640 460 640 480)) (connect D5:0 D9:0 (points 6 540 515 540 550 940 550 940 70 1510 70 1510 85)) (connect D6:1 D9:1 (points 4 594 440 680 440 680 470 995 470))) (stackingOrder 1 0 4 7 6 8 2 5 10 9 3)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))