10 !RE-SAVE "CONFIG" !This is an RMB and IBasic Program. 20 ! 30 !It queries the scope to determine the configuration and then 40 !prints it to the crt. It assumes that the scope is at HPIB 7 50 ! 60 DIM Mframe$[13],Slot$(1:4)[13] 70 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:HEADER ON" 80 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:LONGFORM ON" 90 ! 100 !***** DETERMINE THE FRAME MODEL NUMBER ******! 110 ! 120 OUTPUT 707;":MODEL? FRAME" 130 ENTER 707;Mframe$ 140 ! 150 !***** DETERMINE THE PLUG-INS AND THEIR LOCATIONS ********! 160 ! 170 FOR I=1 TO 4 180 OUTPUT 707 USING "K";":MODEL? PLUGIN";I 190 ENTER 707;Slot$(I) 200 NEXT I 210 ! 220 !***** REPORT THE MAINFRAME MODEL # AND PLUG-INS *******! 230 ! 240 CLEAR SCREEN 250 PRINT "The Main frame is ";Mframe$ 260 PRINT 270 PRINT "The plug-in in slot 1 is ";Slot$(1) 280 PRINT "The plug-in in slot 2 is ";Slot$(2) 290 PRINT "The plug-in in slot 3 is ";Slot$(3) 300 PRINT "The plug-in in slot 4 is ";Slot$(4) 310 PRINT 320 PRINT "End of Program" 330 END