Program That Sets the Serial Port Configuration in SICL
/* serialintf.c
This program does the following:
1) gets the current configuration of the serial port,
2) sets it to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and
1 stop bit, and
3) Prints the old configuration. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sicl.h>
INST intf; /* interface session id */
unsigned long baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits;
char *parity_str;
/* Log message and exit program on error */
ionerror (I_ERROR_EXIT);
/* open RS-232 interface session */
intf = iopen ("COM1");
itimeout (intf, 10000);
/* get baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits */
iserialstat (intf, I_SERIAL_BAUD, &baudrate);
iserialstat (intf, I_SERIAL_PARITY, &parity);
iserialstat (intf, I_SERIAL_WIDTH, &databits);
iserialstat (intf, I_SERIAL_STOP, &stopbits);
/* determine string to display for parity */
if (parity == I_SERIAL_PAR_NONE) parity_str = "NONE";
else if (parity == I_SERIAL_PAR_ODD) parity_str = "ODD";
else if (parity == I_SERIAL_PAR_EVEN) parity_str = "EVEN";
else if (parity == I_SERIAL_PAR_MARK) parity_str = "MARK";
else /*parity == I_SERIAL_PAR_SPACE*/ parity_str = "SPACE";
/* determine # of stop bits */
stopbits = (stopbits == I_SERIAL_STOP_1) ? 1 : 2;
/* set to 9600,NONE,8,1 */
iserialctrl (intf, I_SERIAL_BAUD, 9600);
iserialctrl (intf, I_SERIAL_PARITY, I_SERIAL_PAR_NONE);
iserialctrl (intf, I_SERIAL_WIDTH, I_SERIAL_CHAR_8);
iserialctrl (intf, I_SERIAL_STOP, I_SERIAL_STOP_1);
/* Display previous settings */
printf("Old settings: %5ld,%s,%ld,%ld
baudrate, parity_str, databits, stopbits);
/* close port */
iclose (intf);
return 0;