(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Tue 27/Jan/2004 15:17:47 ") (veerev "6.2") (platform "PC") (execMode ole) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (automationRefs (automationRef 1 (libid "{57CC1220-71FE-11D3-9CC6-0060B0FB1DE5}") (desc "Agilent ESA Instrument Automation Server") (filename "C:\\Program Files\\Agilent\\IntuiLink\\ESA\\AgtESA.dll") (verMajor 1) (verMinor 0) (lcid 0))) (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 25) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1) (deleteGlobals 0)) (deviceList (device 1 FORMULA (properties (name "ESAEZ.Connect(ConnectionName, IOProgID)") (expr 3 "set esaez = createobject(\"AgtESA.ESAEZ\");" "ESAEZ.Connect(ConnectionName,\"\");" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "ConnectionName") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "ESAEZ") (optional yes)))) (device 2 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "ESA Address")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "GPIB4::3::INSTR")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 10 START25 (properties (name "Get Traces"))) (device 16 FORMULA (properties (name "ESAEZ.SaveScreenImage(filename, Format);") (expr 1 "ESAEZ.SaveScreenImage(filename, Format);")) (interface (input 1 (name "filename") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "Format") (optional yes)) (input 3 (name "ESAEZ") (optional yes)))) (device 17 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "Text")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "c:\\screenshot")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 19 NOTE (properties (text2 23 "This program illustrates how the Agilent ESA series" "and PSA series spectrum analyzers\' screen image" "can be read into a file. This program uses the ESA" "Automation Server to read the analyzer\'s screen image " "into a file." "" "To run the program:" "1) Go to Device -> ActiveX Automation References... and " "check Agilent ESA Instrument Automation Server." "2) In the ESA Address object, select the correct" "Address string corresponding to your instrument. This " "example uses GPIB4::3::INSTR." "" "The screen image is saved to the c:\\screenshot file. " "The format used is \"0\" which is BMP format. You can " "from the following as well. " "" "3 Agt_ImageFormat_WMF" "4 Agt_ImageFormat_EMF" "5 Agt_ImageFormat_TIF" "6 Agt_ImageFormat_JPG" "" ""))) (device 20 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "Text")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "3")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 23 PICTURE (properties (pictureImage "c:\\screenshot")) (interface (input 1 (name "File Name") (tag "File Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)))) (device 24 NOTE (properties (name "Warranty Disclaimer") (text2 4 "This example is provided as an" "illustration \"as is\", and Agilent Technologies" "makes no warranty of any kind" "with regard to this example."))) (configuration (connect D1:1 D0:1) (connect D2:0 D1:0) (connect D4:1 D3:1) (connect D6:1 D3:2) (connect D0:1 D3:3) (connect D4:1 D7:1))) (contextCarrier (wndOrigin 2 2) (wndState res) (active panel) (panel (extent 913 618) (widget 2 detail (relativeOrigin 360 20) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 83 50)) (widget 1 detail (relativeOrigin 100 20) (title on) (borderStyle flat) (extent 174 29)) (widget 7 detail (relativeOrigin 120 110) (title on) (borderStyle flat) (extent 635 457) (pictureMode actual))) (detail (extent 989 573) (anchorPt 82 -112) (configuration (devCarrierFor 1 (active open) (icon (extent 272 0)) (open (extent 349 62)) (pinCenter 330 190)) (devCarrierFor 2 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 174 29)) (pinCenter 10 240)) (devCarrierFor 10 (active open) (icon (extent 66 0)) (open (extent 83 50)) (title off) (pinCenter 90 160)) (devCarrierFor 16 (active open) (icon (extent 270 0)) (open (extent 277 62)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 345 300)) (devCarrierFor 17 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 174 29)) (pinCenter 10 310)) (devCarrierFor 19 (active open) (icon (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 435 167) (editing enabled)) (pinCenter 280 610)) (devCarrierFor 20 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 174 29)) (pinCenter 10 410)) (devCarrierFor 23 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 635 457) (pictureMode actual)) (pinCenter 910 520)) (devCarrierFor 24 (active icon) (icon (extent 338 48) (iconImage "disclaim.icn") (label off)) (open (extent 419 127) (editing disabled)) (pinCenter 780 200)) (connect D1:1 D0:1 (points 6 99 240 120 240 120 210 140 210 140 190 153 190)) (connect D2:0 D1:0 (points 4 90 187 90 200 10 200 10 205)) (connect D4:1 D3:1 (points 4 99 310 120 310 120 280 144 280)) (connect D6:1 D3:2 (points 4 99 410 130 410 130 300 144 300)) (connect D0:1 D3:3 (points 6 507 190 540 190 540 360 120 360 120 320 144 320)) (connect D4:1 D7:1 (points 6 99 310 110 310 110 350 520 350 520 520 590 520))) (stackingOrder 2 4 6 5 7 1 0 3 8)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))