Keysight University

5G for Mission Success

You are engineers. So are we. With the expansion of 5G design for military and tactical applications, there are specific requirements for successful implementation. We're ready to share our 5G commercial expertise with you.

Keysight University courses will advance your knowledge of measurement techniques for upgrading military-grade systems. Ensuring secure communications is vital. Learn about topics such as non-terrestrial networks, coexistence, radar, and satellite.

Whether you are just starting your career or have decades of electronics design experience, we have a Keysight University course for you. Enroll roday and explore our military-grade 5G courses and resources.

More 5G Courses

Get a great foundation in 5G, and then take a deep-dive into specific topics with these courses.

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More Aerospace and Defense Courses

Learn to redefine what is possible. Solve tomorrow's defense challenges today with these courses.

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Military-Grade 5G: An Expert Discussion

5G stands to revolutionize the way military and government organizations handle communications, logistics, and supply chain and procurement processes. This roundtable brings together experts from both industry and the military to discuss 5G’s vast potential in aerospace defense, challenges to be overcome, and drill down into real-life use cases. Attend our virtual roundtable to hear our group of military, industry, and test and measurement experts discuss: the current state of military-grade 5G, examples of new use cases, 5G challenges and how to mitigate them, and future opportunities for 5G and even 6G.

Watch On-Demand Now

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