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Acceptance tests take several forms in different industry sectors. Generally, acceptance test is a tool to ensure a product, component, or service meets an expected level of functionality or performance prior to customer acceptance.
In wireless communications, acceptance test serves to ensure a device will meet the key performance indicators (KPIs) on a specific mobile network. Consumer expectations are high with 5G New Radio (NR) and consumers typically blame the mobile network operator (MNO) for any issues they experience. If a device causes dropped calls or crashes a network, the operator gets the blame. Therefore, network operators stress test devices on their network to ensure that they will live up to consumer expectations.
The operators serve as gatekeepers to what their networks support. They create performance and quality metrics as entry qualifications to their network. An operator acceptance test verifies whether the device has adequate performance and security functions for the specific network. The acceptance test also helps to identify and resolve issues before a device gets into the hands of a customer.
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