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WaveJudge Wireless Analyzer Solutions
Design, test, and deliver your next breakthrough with our most advanced wireless analyzer solutions

Advanced over-the-air analysis toolsets
The WaveJudge Wireless Analyzer Solutions are the first over-the-air monitor toolsets with real-time visibility into the interaction between protocol and physical layers in wireless transmissions.
These solutions offer great capabilities and ease in testing and troubleshooting:
- Understand the interactions between the mobile station or user equipment and the base station at all layers
- Identify complex causes of interoperability problems
- Improve the performance of the overall wireless connection
- Accurately identify anomalies that affect throughput and delay
- Verify base station behavior from an over-the-air interface, including complex antennae and modulation schemes
- Evaluate the impact on performance of MIMO, beam forming and scheduling
- Capture wireless conditions in the field for replay in the lab
WaveJudge Wireless Analyzer Solutions
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Zum technischen Support
Complete over-the-air protocol decoding and RF analysis
Accelerate the troubleshooting process while improving network quality
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