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Verifying Performance with Real-World Application Testing
Validating application performance and QoE is most cost-effectively accomplished using a system to emulate a company’s real network traffic profile, and then running various combinations and throughput of the expected application traffic mix. It is critical though to ensure realism in this validation process, meaning that the system must emulate the full variety of application protocols found in networks today.
To this end, Keysight employs a team of application protocol experts that continually update our AppLibrary, a simplified workflow and framework that enables users to emulate realistic application mixes from a pre-defined library of application flows. AppLibrary is used by IxNetwork, IxLoad, IxChariot, and IxVeriWave applications, and is offered as a monthly subscription service.
AppLibrary is enabled by our BreakingPoint Application and Threat Intelligence (ATI) program. It validates the scale and performance capabilities of content-aware devices and networks by emulating real-world traffic that includes the blend of applications used on today’s networks, all at line-rate 10G and 25G, 40G or 100G speeds. It also provides granular measurement capabilities to validate the impact and effectiveness of QoS policies on application performance and end-user QoE.
CloudStorm, PerfectStorm, Novus-NP, Novus 10/1G/100M, Novus 10/5/2.5/1G/100M, Xcellon-Ultra NP/NG, NGY-NP, XMVDC-NG, and IxVM (virtual) load modules and PerfectStorm ONE , Novus ONE, Xcellon-Ultra XT80 and XTS40 appliances | |
XMVDC, XMVDC-NG, NGY-NG, NGY-NP, Xcellon-FlexAP, Xcellon-Lava, Xcellon-Lava-NG, Xcellon-Multis, Novus 10G, Novus 100G, and IxVM (virtual) load modules and Novus ONE appliance | |
XR2000 Active Monitoring Probe |
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