CloudStorm 100GE 2-Port Load Module

CloudStorm 100GE test load module

Cloud-scale application delivery and network security test platform

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  • With Real-World Traffic at massive-scale, CloudStorm is the first multi-terabit solution — 2.5 – 3X application performance
  • Hardware-based SSL acceleration delivers 4X encryption performance
  • Emulate multi-terabit DDoS and botnet attacks to future-proof security solutions
  • Unified application and security test platform, with Layers 2–7 capabilities and support for BreakingPoint and IxLoad software
  • Multi-rate ready: future-proof your investment with CloudStorm; capable of supporting 100/50/40/25/10GE on a single port
  • Multi-user environment leverages the per-port user ownership model for all ports on the test modules installed into the chassis

Problem: An All-Encrypted World and Increasing User Experience Expectations

Massive concerns around security are driving an increased use of encryption. An all-encrypted world is not far away. At the same time, the scale of traffic continues to grow at an exponential rate and the industry is moving to new cloud-based architectures. Users of services and applications, however, continue to expect their experience to be at or above the current level.

To keep pace, network equipment manufacturers race to build higher-scale, more capable network security and application delivery solutions. In turn, the world’s largest cloud data center operators struggle to find the right balance between performance and security in today’s hyper-scale, dynamic world. The uncertainty that comes with this change is best mitigated through cloud-scale validation.

CloudStorm 100GE 2-Port

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Solution: Unified, Cloud-Scale, Future-Proof Testing

CloudStorm is a 2.4 terabit application and security test solution that not only meets today’s need, but that of the future. CloudStorm delivers 3X-application and 4X-SSL-emulation scale over any other test system. It helps NEMs shortening their development cycles, and enterprises and data center operators find the right balance between mitigating security risks and delivering high end-user application performance.

Each CloudStorm load module supports two native QSFP28 100GE interfaces with an innovative architecture that allows concurrent emulation of complex applications, unprecedented SSL encrypted applications, and a large volume of DDoS traffic to validate your network infrastructure is high performing and secure. CloudStorm is the solution to break the SSL and DDoS test barriers, achieving over 960Gbps of traffic with strong encryption and ciphers or 2.4 terabit DDoS throughput in a single chassis. CloudStorm is driven by our BreakingPoint* and IxLoad applications test solutions for application delivery and security resiliency testing.
*Requires CloudStorm “Fusion” load modules

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