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Wideband Record and Playback Solutions
Wideband Streaming and Signal Processing
Whether your work is on the bench, in a test chamber, or in the field, the Keysight wideband streaming solutions accurately record, analyze, and playback your signal environment to accelerate your test processes.
These solutions make very wideband, long term (hours) recordings of raw IQ time-series data so that a complete signal environment can be captured for post-analysis, and re-generation in RF to support laboratory testing with a real-world signal environment.
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Zum technischen Support
Record solutions enable quality RF recording of live signal environments and in-depth analysis in a convenient, transportable package.
The Keysight S7970A playback solutions enable quality RF playback of previously recorded wideband data representing live signal environments.
The Keysight S7980A Record solution combines quality RF recording of live signal environments and in-depth analysis and playback into one convenient, transportable chassis.
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