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PathWave ADS Core & EM-Design & Layout W3601B
Die marktführende Software für HF- und Mikrowellen-Design
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W3601B PathWave ADS and EM design core with RF layout, packaging and 3D avoidance routing design for multi-technology circuit and RF module development.
The W3601B PathWave ADS Core, EM Design, Layout includes:
- Powerful, accurate linear simulation, optimization and statistical analysis
- Schematic capture, Data Display with Python scripting
- Complete 3D RF layout, avoidance routing and packaging design of multi-technology RF Modules
- Comprehensive 3D module level physical verification - DRC, LVS and LVL
- Import/Export popular ODB++, GDS-II and other manufacturing formats
- EM Design enables the creation and import of parameterized 3D components into ADS
Powerful RF/MW/mmWave design environment with powerful 3D RF layout, packaging and avoidance routing for the physical design of multi-technology circuits and RF modules. Module level verification includes Design Rule Check (DRC), Layout Versus Schematic (LVS) and Layout Versus Layout (LVL) to ensure error-free assembly and interconnection of multi-technology RF modules and eval boards that combine RFIC, MMIC, Wafer level packaging, laminate, bond wires, solder balls, printed antennas, PCB and RF connectors.
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