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U2004A 9 kHz - 6 GHz USB Power Sensor
Fast and simple setup with plug-and-play USB connectivity. Eliminates the need for a separate power meter.
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
- Frequency range of 9 kHz to 6 GHz
- Wide dynamic range of -60 to +20 dBm
- Internal zeroing capability to eliminate external calibration
- High measurement speed of up to 250readings/second
- Support internal/external trigger measurements, internal triggering and trace display
- Your instrument now comes with the BenchVue Basic Power Meter/Sensor Control and Analysis App (BV0007B). The BenchVue software simplifies the process of connecting, controlling instruments, and automating test sequences. Download the BenchVue Basic App (BV0007B) for free to efficiently manage your power meter/sensor instruments
- Fully firmware compatible with selected Keysight instruments

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