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Passende Inhalte
U1213A Handheld Clamp Meter, 3 ½ Digit
Handle large currents up to 1000 A safely with 2-inch large jaw opening. Wider range DCV, ACV and resistance.
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
Handle large currents up to 1000 A safely with 2-inch large jaw opening. Wider range DCV, ACV and resistance.
Notice: The U1213A will be discontinued on June 1, 2024. The last day to place an order for this product is May 31, 2024. Keysight will continue to provide support for this product for the standard period of 5 years.
- Measure large currents safely up to 1000 A
- Large clamp jaw opening of 2 inches or 52 mm to grip thick cables
- Simplify troubleshooting with full DMM features
- Never miss a beep with visual/audio continuity alerts
- CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V Overvoltage Protection
What is included:
- Standard 3-year Warranty (90 days for un-serialized accessories)
- Test Lead Set
- Soft Carrying Case
- Quick Start Guide
- Batteries
- Certificate of Calibration
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