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S95084B Embedded LO Capability
The S95084B software tunes the analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without the need for access to internal LOs or a common reference signal.
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- Enables accurate measurement of relative phase and absolute group delay of a frequency converter with a built-in LO source, without having to access a common reference signal.
- Provides quick and simple two-step calibration so you can spend more time measuring your devices.
- Delivers optimized testing conditions that maximize throughput without compromising data quality.
This application tunes the analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without the need for access to internal LOs or a common reference signal. S95084B is intended to work with S95082B and S95083B measurement applications.
Learn more about Keysight Network Analyzer Software.
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- Get 30-day free trial license.
- Enables software application on your PXI VNA.

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