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Passende Inhalte
S94051B Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Simulator – Advanced
Simulate VNA applications (S93/S95/S96/S97xxxB/A) on your PC in addition to the basic S-parameter class operations (S94050B)
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Simulate Advanced VNA Software on Your PC
S94051B puts Keysight’s industry-leading network analyzer software portfolio into your computer. Dive deeper into data captured on an instrument with support for time domain, spectrum analysis, gain compression, and all the other software applications you use on your instrument. You can also develop and troubleshoot test programs on your computer before deploying them to the instrument. S94051B is a superset of S94050B and contains the S-parameter functionality.
- Emulate your exact model with support for all of Keysight’s latest VNAs
- Gain deeper insights with VNA application software (S93/95/96/97xxx)
- Perform complex multiport S-parameter analysis by emulating up to 66 ports on PXI VNAs
- Choose the subscription license that best fits the time frame you need
Free Trials
- Get a 30-day trial license
- Enables software application on your PC

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