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S9115A 5G Multi-Band Vector Transceiver
The S9115A is a multi-band transceiver system for non-signaling measurements. Capable of supporting multiple Keysight Remote Radio Heads (RRH), the S9110A system with the M1749B RRH supports from 5GNR measurements from 22.7 GHz to 49.2 GHz as well as sub 13 GHz FR1 capability.
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Applications: High-volume test of 5G NR network equipment and radio components
- 5G NR base station transceiver systems
- 5G NR components, including remote radio heads (RRH), distributed units (DU), active antenna arrays, amplifiers, chipsets
- Power, SEM, ACLR, EVM and more measurements using familiar and industry proven application software (N9085EM0E 5G NR Measurement Application)
- Lower Cost of Test with reduced footprint vs. benchtop instruments and extremely high test-throughput (“cloud ready”)
- OTA readiness saves space and cost with single bi-directional remote heads, with in-head switching for 2 polarizations, across all 22.7 GHz to 49.2 GHz bands, delivering best Power and EVM at chamber
- Manufacturing Effectiveness: 1.2 GHz BW across the entire frequency range for Tx/Rx with low EVM and ACLR, operates as single instrument (includes: switching, heads, API, measurements), easy automation with calibrated system accuracy that reduces rework and false verdicts
- Minimize test development time by reusing existing code from other Keysight non-signaling solutions like E6681A, S9110A and S9101A
- Supports both FR1 and FR2 measurements in the same system without the need to re-cable the test setup
- Wideband signal generation and analysis of 5G NR (3GPP Release 15 and higher) waveforms in both: FR1 (380 MHz to 13 GHz) and FR2 (22.7 GHz to 49.2 GHz)
- Features “OTA-friendly” expandable architecture: avoid high losses from switching and long cable runs, supports one or two remote mmWave heads and polarizations, and multiple Tx/Rx channels
Measurement applications and software
- The S9115A system includes Keysight N9085EM0E 5G NR Measurement Application, Y9085EM0E 5G NR Non-Signaling Waveform and Measurement Application.
- Additional recommended software: N7631C Signal Studio Pro for 5G NR, N7630C for pre-5G, N7608C for custom IQ and OFDM, 89600 VSA software, and KS8400A Test Automation Platform
The Keysight S9115A 5G Multi-Band Vector Transceiver with one or two transceivers covers FR1 (380 MHz to 13 GHz) along with one or two mmWave transceivers that covers FR2 (22.7 GHz to 49.2 GHz).

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