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Passende Inhalte
N9324C Basic Spectrum Analyzer (BSA)
Tough-to-beat microwave performance up to 20 GHz
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Tough-to-Beat Microwave Performance up to 20 GHz
Achieve higher productivity with the Keysight N9324C basic spectrum analyzer (BSA). Get proven test efficiency, usability, and flexibility to adapt to new requirements.
- Provides fast RF spectrum analysis from 1 MHz to 20 GHz
- Comes equipped with a tracking generator for stimulus-response tests
- Identifies interfering signals from unwanted or unexpected transmissions with a powerful spectrum monitoring feature
- Supports AM / FM, ASK / FSK demodulation analysis suites for Internet of Things transmitter characterization
- Enables you to automatically implement up to 20 predefined measurements and reduce test setup time by 95% with the task planner feature
- Provides straightforward and efficient operation with marker demodulation, one-button optimization, and user-definable soft keys
Three Steps to Fast Pass/Fail Tests
The N9324C includes a window limit feature that makes simultaneous determinations on the frequency and power limits of a signal. This one-button pass / fail determination reduces instrument setup complexity and significantly improves testing efficiency.
Examples of use cases include electromagnetic interference (EMI) emission tests and spectrum monitoring.

Key Specifications
20 GHz
-144 dBm
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth
1 MHz
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
-92 dBc/Hz
Signal Analyzer
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
20 GHz
-144 dBm
1 MHz
-92 dBc/Hz
Signal Analyzer
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DANL @1 GHz:
-144 dBm
20 GHz
Frequency Options:
1 MHz to 20 GHz
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth:
1 MHz
Maximum Frequency:
20 GHz
Performance Level:
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset):
-92 dBc/Hz
Phase noise @ 500 MHz 10 kHz Offset:
-92 dBc/Hz
Real Time Spectrum Analysis:
Standard Attenuator Step:
5 dB
TOI @1 GHz (3rd Order Intercept):
+11 dBm
RF Burst
Signal Analyzer

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