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N9068EM0E Phase Noise Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
Analyze phase noise in time and frequency domain
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Perform transmitters with one-button phase noise measurements in time and frequency domain with multi-touch UI operation.
- Provide one-button measurements for analyzing phase noise in frequency domain (log plot) and time domain (spot frequency)
- Log plot measurements: provides phase noise view in frequency domain including DANL floor and integrated noise measurements along with spurious table
- Spot frequency measurements: provides phase noise view in time domain including carrier frequency drift measurement
- Monitor spectrum: provides easy-to-use simple spectrum view for a quick check of your signal
- IQ waveform measurements: provide easy-to-use simple time domain view
- Performance:
- Phase noise density accuracy: up to 0.20 dB
- Offset frequency accuracy: 0.5 %
- Base instrument phase noise (typical with center frequency = 1 GHz) -128 dBc/Hz
- Support multi-touch user interface and SCPI remote interface programming
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
- Keysight supports tiered application models with N-models for UXA/PXA/PXE, E-models for MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT, and W-models for CXA. The higher tiered application models can run at the lower platforms, which means N-models can run on all platforms, E-models can run on MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT and CXA, and W-models can only run on CXA
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