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Passende Inhalte
N9061EM0E Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
Emulate remote language programming for HP instruments
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Provide Remote Language Compatibility (RLC) to HP 856xE/EC and 8566/68 for remote language programming.
- Emulates the HP/Keysight 856xE/EC remote programming language
- Emulates the HP/Keysight 8566/68 remote programming language
- Supports the most frequently used 856xE/EC and 8566/68 commands
- Command error logging
- Support traditional user interface and SCPI remote interface programming
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
- Keysight supports tiered X-app models with N-models for UXA/PXA/PXE, E-models for MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT. The higher tiered X-app models can run at the lower platforms, which means N-models can run on all platforms, and E-models can only run on MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT.
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