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Passende Inhalte
N7626EMBC PathWave Signal Generation for LTE V2X, Waveform Playback
Create compliant test signals for C-V2X
Vertrieben durch:
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- Keysight Direct Sales
Create signals that conform to 3GPP based standards for V2X with signal generators.
- Create 3GPP standard based cellular V2X signals for sidelink vehicle-to-vehicle direct communication using PC5 interface
- Create cellular V2X signals with fully coded PSSS, SSSS, PSBCH, PSCCH and PSSCH signals and channels
- Support multi-UE scheduling
- Support MIB-SL-V2X auto generation
- Support SCI auto generation
- Provide fixed reference channel (FRC) wizard for cellular V2X signals
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
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