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N5290A 900 Hz to 110 GHz PNA Millimeter Wave System
Choose from a broadband two- or 4-port network analyzer covering 900 Hz to 110 GHz
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- Keysight Direct Sales
- Get a single-sweep solution with compact frequency extenders.
- Attain accurate leveled power to apply to your device for sweep power capabilities.
- Order various software applications for a detailed analysis.
Key Specifications
Maximum Frequency
110 GHz
Dynamic Range
>115 dB
Trace Noise
0.003 dB rms
Number of Built-In Ports
2 or 4 ports
N5290A PNA mm-wave System Software
Network analyzer software tools enable you to investigate, characterize, and troubleshoot your designs in a variety of measurement applications. Software for the Keysight N5290A PNA millimeter wave system enables you to perform advanced measurements at millimeter wave frequencies.

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