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MX0045A InfiniiMax 4 Adapter to InfiniiMax III Probe Head
The MX0045A InfiniiMax 4 Adapter to InfiniiMax III Probe Head Connector is part of the InfiniiMax 4 probe system
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The MX0045A InfiniiMax 4 Adapter to InfiniiMax III Probe Head Connector is required to connect a compatible InfiniiMax III/III+ probe head to an InfiniiMax 4 series probe amplifier.
Compatible with InfiniiMax III/III+ probe heads including:
- N5445A Differential Browser
- N5444A 2.92 / 3.5 mm SMA Head
- MX0109A Extreme Temperature Solder-in Probe Head
- N5439A ZIF Probe Head
- N2836A Solder-in Probe Head
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