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M9168E PXI Programmable Step Attenuator Module, DC to 50 GHz
Ensure precise measurements with superior attenuation accuracy across a wide operating temperature range
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- Keysight Direct Sales
- Superior 0.03 dB insertion loss repeatability through the operating life of up giving you up to five million cycles.
- Broad attenuation range from 0 to 101 dB, with 1 dB step.
- High attenuation accuracy and flatness of 0.97 at 50 GHz.
The Keysight M9168E PXI programmable step attenuator module operates from DC to 50 GHz with a guaranteed 0.03 dB insertion loss repeatability for each section throughout the five million cycles operating life. Get superior attenuation accuracy across a wide operating temperature range to ensure precise measurements.
The M9168E PXI programmable step attenuator module enhances the measurement accuracy and flexibility of PXI-based RF and microwave test systems.

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