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EXR2WAV Arbitrary Function Generator for Infiniium EXR-Series, 50 MHz
Powerful. Easy to Own. Intuitive to Use.
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Keysight's Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) for integration with select Infiniium Series oscilloscopes is ideal for control, testing, and prototyping applications. It offers a level of versatility that enables you to set up complex real-world signals — whether you need precise signals to characterize the performance of a design or need to stress a device to its limits. The AWG is also referred to as a Function Generator or "Wavegen".
The Keysight Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) for integration with Infiniium Series' scopes is ideal for control, testing, and prototyping applications. It offers a level of versatility that enables you to set up complex real-world signals — whether you need precise signals to characterize the performance of a design or need to stress a device to its limits. From low-observable radar to high-density communications, testing is more realistic with our precision arbitrary waveform generators.
- Push radar and electronic warfare designs farther with highly realistic signal scenarios
- Debug your toughest designs with confidence using superior signal fidelity
- Use high-resolution and wide-bandwidth signals simultaneously
- Stress your device to its limits with clean or distorted signals
- Connector: BNC, rear panel
- Voltage range, 50 Ω: 1 mVPP [1,9] to 5 VPP [2,10]
- Voltage range, 1 MΩ: 2 mVPP [1,9] to 10 VPP [2,10]
- Presets: TTL, CMOS (5 V), COMS (3.3 V), CMOS (2.5 V), ECL
- Vertical resolution: 100 µV
- Vertical accuracy: 2% (< 1 kHz)
- Frequency resolution [3,8]: 12.5 mHz
- Frequency accuracy [4,7]:
- Square/pulse: 1 ppm (f ≥ 8 kHz), [f/25000] ppm (f < 8kHz)
- Other waveforms: 1 ppm (f ≥ 5 kHz), 3 ppm (f < 5kHz)
- Square/pulse: 1 ppm (f ≥ 8 kHz), [f/25000] ppm (f < 8kHz)
- Modes: Normal, single shot (all but square, pulse, noise, DC)
- Waveforms: DC, sine, square, pulse, triangle/ramp, noise, sinc, exponential rise/fall, cardiac, Gaussian pulse, PRBS
- Protection: Overload automatically disables output
- Isolation: Not available, main output BNC is grounded
DC offset:
- Range:
- ±(8 VDC – Peak AC) into 1 MΩ
- ±(4 VDC – Peak AC) into 50 Ω
- ±(8 VDC – Peak AC) into 1 MΩ
- Resolution: 100 μV or 3 digits, whichever is higher
- Accuracy: Waveform modes: ± 1.5% of offset setting ± 1% of amplitude ± 1 mV
- DC mode: ± 1.5% of offset setting ± 3 mV
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 50 MHz
- Amplitude flatness: ± 0.5 dB (≤20 MHz), ± 1 dB (>20 MHz)
- Harmonic distortion: Harmonic distortion: -40 dBc [5,1]
- SFDR Spurious (non-harmonic): -40 dBc [6,2]
- THD: 1% [7,3]
- SNR: 40 dB [8,4]
Square / pulse:
- Frequency range: 0.0125 Hz to 20 MHz
- Duty cycle: Duty cycle: 20 to 80%, resolution of 1% or 1 ns, whichever is larger
- Pulse width: Pulse width: 10 ns minimum, 1 ns resolution [9,5]
- Rise/fall time: Rise/fall time: 9 ns (10 to 90%)
- Overshoot: Overshoot: < 4%
- Asymmetry (at 50% DC): ±1% ± 5 ns
- Jitter (TIE RMS): 100ps [10,6]
Triangle (ramp):
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 200 kHz
- Linearity: 0.01
- Symmetry: 0 to 100%, 1% resolution
- Bandwidth 40 MHz
Sine Cardinal (Sinc):
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 1.0 MHz
- Exponential Rise/Fall: Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 10.0 MHz
- Types: AM, FM, FSK
- Carriers: Sine, ramp, sine cardinal, exponential rise, exponential fall, and cardiac
- Source: Internal (no external modulation capability)
- AM Profile: sine, square, ramp
- Frequency: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Depth : 0% to 100%
- FM Profile: sine, square, ramp
- Frequency: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Minimum carrier: 10 Hz
- Deviation: 1 Hz to carrier frequency or (2e12 / carrier frequency), whichever is smaller
- FSK Modulation: 50% duty cycle square wave
- FSK rate: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Hop frequency: 2 x FSK rate to 10 MHz
- 10 mVPP (1 MΩ) / 5 mVPP (50 Ω) minimum if | DC + Peak AC | ≥ 400mV
- 8 VPP (1 MΩ) / 4 VPP (50 Ω) maximum for Gaussian waveshape
- Resolution is Freq/25000 Hz for square and pulse waveforms < 8 kHz
- Include (add) external reference clock frequency error, if applicable
- For amplitude ≤1 VPP at 50 MHz, ≤2 VPP at 40 MHz, ≤5 VPP at ≤30 MHz, into 50 Ω load
- For amplitude ≥5 mVPP into 50 Ω load
- For amplitude ≤1 VPP at 50 MHz, ≤2 VPP at 40 MHz, ≤5 VPP at ≤30 MHz, into 50 Ω load
- ≥35 mVPP, 0V offset, into 50 Ω
- 5 nS if frequency is < 8kHz
- Amplitude ≥20 mVPP into 50 Ω load
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