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E5847A Single-ended ZIF Probe, for W3633A Probe Connection
Connects to the W3633A DDR3 BGA probe to enable viewing of industry standard DDR3 DIMMs with a 16900 Series or U4154A logic analyzers
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
Signal Access
- 46 channels: 44 single-ended data, 2 differential clock
Probe Performance
- 1.5 pF equivalent load capacitance
- 1333Mb/s maximum data rate
- Measure signals with as little as 250 mV p-p signal amplitude
- Provides convenient, reliable connection to the W3633A DDR3 DRAM BGA probe
Compatible with:
- Logic analyzers with 90-pin cable connectors Logic Analyzer Cable Connectors
The Keysight E5847A ZIF probe connects to the W3633A DDR3 BGA probe to enable viewing of industry standard DDR3 DIMMs with a 16900 Series or U4154A logic analyzer.

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