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E5052B Signal Source Analyzer (SSA)
Everything you need for signal source analysis
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Industry-Leading SSA Test Performance In One Easy-To-Use Instrument
With the Keysight E5052B signal source analyzer you no longer need a bench full of tools to perform next-generation signal source analysis. Keysight's E5052B SSA test set delivers unparalleled performance and versatility across a variety of signal sources and industries from wireless communications to aerospace and defense.
- Phase noise measurement with ultra-low noise floor and a cross-correlation method
- Simplifies complicated, time-consuming measurements and dramatically reduces test time
- Multi-window display speeds your measurement evaluation and allows you to view multiple results simultaneously
- Simultaneous transient measurements for frequency, phase, and power over time
- Video trigger function allows capture of unexpected frequency changes
- Evaluates clock jitter in high-speed data communication systems
Exceptional Phase Noise Sensitivity
The E5052B Signal Source Analyzer provides the right combination of performance and flexibility to meet your signal source test needs now and well into the future.
- Trace integration and jitter conversion offer quick and accurate jitter analysis
- Outstanding low-noise DC sources provide accuracy and flexibility
- Frequency range can be extended up to 26.5 GHz with the E5053A microwave downconverter, and up to 11 O GHz with the E5053A plus Keysight 11970 series mixers

Key Specifications
Offset Frequency Range
1 Hz to 100 MHz
Phase Noise Sensitivity
-168 dBc/Hz (spec, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
-178 dBc/Hz (typical, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
Reference Source
Transient/RF Transient Measurements
Frequency, RF Power, Phase
DC Sources for Oscillator Characterization
1 voltage outputs, 1 tuning voltage output, floating
Measurement Functions
Downconverter for E5052B
Offset Frequency Range
Phase Noise Sensitivity
Reference Source
Transient/RF Transient Measurements
DC Sources for Oscillator Characterization
Measurement Functions
1 Hz to 100 MHz
-168 dBc/Hz (spec, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
-178 dBc/Hz (typical, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
Frequency, RF Power, Phase
1 voltage outputs, 1 tuning voltage output, floating
Downconverter for E5052B
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Cross correlation:
DC Sources for Oscillator Characterization:
1 voltage outputs, 1 tuning voltage output, floating
Form Factor:
Input frequency range:
10 MHz to 7 GHz (26.5 GHz with E5053A, 110 GHz with external mixers)
Maximum Frequency:
7 GHz
Measurement Functions:
Downconverter for E5052B
Offset Frequency Range:
1 Hz to 100 MHz
Phase Noise Sensitivity:
-168 dBc/Hz (spec, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
-178 dBc/Hz (typical, RF=10 MHz, @1 MHz offset)
Reference Source:
Transient/RF Transient Measurements:
Frequency, RF Power, Phase
Standard Configurations
SSA Signal Source Analyzer, 10 MHz to 7 GHz, 26.5 GHz, or 110 GHz
Frequency range
- RF Input frequency range: 10 MHz to 110 GHz
- Analysis offset frequency range: 1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Phase noise measurement with ultra low noise floor and a cross-correlation method
- Frequency transient capture range: up to 80 MHz in narrow band, up to 4.8 GHz in wide band
Noise measurement functions
- Phase noise with ultra low noise floor and a cross-correlation method
- AM noise measurement and phase noise measurement without changing RF connection
- Baseband noise measurement from 1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Spectrum monitoring up to 15 MHz span in a real-time mode
Analysis capabilities
- Simultaneous transient measurements for frequency, phase and power over time
- Capture of unexpected frequency change with video trigger function
- Complete VCO characterization with outstanding low-noise DC sources(frequency/power/DC-supply-current over Vc and Vs)
- Clock jitter measurement with femto-second resolution

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