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E2655C Probe deskew and Performance Verification Kit
Includes adapters SMA (m) to SMA (m), SMA (m) to BNC (f), and BNC (m) to SMA (m); 50 Ω SMA terminator; and deskew fixture
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Includes adapters SMA (m) to SMA (m), SMA (m) to BNC (f), and BNC (m) to SMA (m); 50 Ω SMA terminator; and deskew fixture
The kit contains the following parts:
- SMA (male) to SMA (male) adaptor
- SMA (male) to BNC (female) adaptor
- BNC (male) to SMA (male) adaptor
- 50 Ω SMA Terminator
- De-skew Fixture
A probe deskew and performance verification kit for use with InfiniiMax probes. The E2655C is a replacement of the E2655B. The E2655B is discontinued, but it will be supported until March 2018.
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