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DSOX3052G Oscilloscope: 500 MHz, 2 Analog Channels
The DSOX3052G 500 MHz oscilloscope provides 2 analog channels, 4 Mpts memory, 1,000,000 waveforms/sec update rate, zone touch trigger with an 8.5-in capacitive touch screen, and standard embedded software with waveform and measurement histograms.
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The DSOX3052G 500 MHz oscilloscope provides 2 analog channels, 4 Mpts memory, 1,000,000 waveforms/sec update rate, zone touch trigger with an 8.5-in capacitive touch screen, and standard embedded software with waveform and measurement histograms.
- 500 MHz
- 2 analog channels
- Easily view and analyze your signals with on the large 8.5-inch capacitive touch screen
- Isolate signals in seconds with exclusive Zone touch triggering
- See more signal detail with the 1,000,000 wfms/s update rate
- Capture more data with up to 4 Mpts memory
- Expand your measurement capabilities with full upgradability: add bandwidth, digital channels, and advanced application software at any time
What's included:
- Embedded Software Package (D3000GENB)
- PathWave BenchVue Oscilloscope Software (BV004B)
- Waveform and measurement histograms
- Integrated instruments: oscilloscope (with LAN / VGA connectivity module), protocol analyzer, frequency response analyzer (Bode plots), 20 MHz arbitrary waveform generator, 3-digit voltmeter, and 8-digital counter and totalizer
- N2843A passive probe: 500 MHz, 10:1 attenuation (1 per channel)
- Factory 3-year warranty (90 days for unserialized accessories such as passive probes)
- KeysightCare technical support
- Certificate of calibration, 3-year calibration interval
- Secure erase
- Multi-language interface and help: English, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Thai, Turkish
- Documentation CD containing localized user’s guide, service guide, and programmer’s manual
- Localized power cord and overlay
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