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D9050DDRC DDR5 Tx Compliance Test Software
The D9050DDRC DDR5 Tx compliance test application software provides a fast and easy way to test, debug and characterize your DDR5 designs
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- Compliance testing of jitter, electrical, timing and eye measurements.
- Comprehensive analysis that automates the read and write cycle separation to make measurements.
- Statistical analysis on read and write data for margin testing
- Data analytics capabilities which include data import into data repository server and aggregate test results viewing
Use the DDR5 Tx compliance software to test, debug and characterize your designs quickly and easily. It automatically configures the oscilloscope for each test and generates an informative HTML report at the end of the test. The application compares the results with the specification test limit and includes margin analysis which indicates how closely the device passes or fails each test. The complex analysis of the DDR5 signals from simulation to characterization stage is taken cared by the application which saves user time and effort.
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D9050DDRC DDR5 Compliance Test Application Software and 30-Day Trial License
Keysight D9050DDRC DDR5 compliance test application software for Infiniium V-Series, Z-Series, and UXR-Series oscilloscopes.

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