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D9011BDLP Basic Infiniium Protocol Trigger/Decode Bundle for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
This basic bundle includes packages D9010LSSP, D9010AUTP, D9010EMBP, D9010MILP, and D9010MPLP. It is designed to work on the Infiniium 9000 Series, S-Series, and MXR-Series.
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- Get your low speed serial debug done faster and simpler by using this package, which combines 5 of the most popular trigger/decode packages into one
- Set up your scope to show specific protocol decoding in less than 30 seconds with an auto setup feature
- Get access to a rich set of integrated protocol-level triggers – see datasheet for a complete list
- Save time and eliminate errors by viewing packets at the protocol level
- Use time-correlated views to quickly troubleshoot serial protocol problems back to their timing or signal integrity root cause
This basic bundle includes packages D9010LSSP, D9010AUTP, D9010EMBP, D9010MILP, and D9010MPLP. It is designed to work on the Infiniium 9000 Series, S-Series, EXR-Series and MXR-Series. For other Infiniium real-time oscilloscope models, check D9020BDLP.

Interested in a D9011BDLP?
Extend the Capabilities for your Basic Infiniium Protocol Trigger/Decode Bundle
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