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Passende Inhalte
AC6918L Three-Phase AC Power Source 320 Vrms, 18 kVA, 550 Hz
18 kVA, 550 Hz three-phase AC power source and analyzer
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AC6900 Series three-phase power sources provide a complete AC and DC power solution combing a reliable source and accurate power measurements
Keysight’s AC6900 Series three-phase power sources provide a complete AC and DC power solution by combining the capabilities of a multimeter, harmonic analyzer, and power analyzer in one instrument.
- choice of single, two, and three-wire connections
- AC, DC, or AC plus DC mode
- maximum AC voltage at 320 Vrms
- maximum DC voltage at 452 V
- frequency up to 550 Hz
Built-in tests
- power line disturbance
- output sequencing
- harmonic analysis
- built-in waveform generation
- current protection, over, and under-voltage
- output inhibit Programming
- soft start / stop function
- analog and digital control
- LAN (LXI core), USB, and optional GPIB
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