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Passende Inhalte
909F Precision Coaxial Termination, DC to 18 GHz
Provides exceptional long-term impedance stability through tantalum nitride on sapphire thin-film technology
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- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
Superior RF Performance (5,6,18GHz with APC)
- Maximum SWR at 5 GHz, APC-7: 1.005
- Maximum SWR at 6 GHz, APC-7: 1.01
- Maximum SWR at 18 GHz, APC-7: 1.15
Superior RF Performance (2,3,6,18GHz with Type-N)
- Maximum SWR at 2 GHz, Type-N: 1.007
- Maximum SWR at 3 GHz, Type-N: 1.01
- Maximum SWR at 6 GHz, Type-N: 1.02
- Maximum SWR at 18 GHz, Type-N: 1.15
The Keysight 909F family of precision low reflection loads are intended for use as calibration standards. Tantalum nitride on sapphire thin-film technology is used for exceptional long-term impedance stability. To ensure the best possible wear resistance characteristics, gold-plated beryllium copper has been used for the connector contacts.
The loads are available in APC-7, Type-N male and Type-N female configurations.

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