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89601EVMC EVM Improvement with Cross-Correlated EVM and IQ-NC
Perform EVM improvement with cross-correlated EVM and IQ-NC
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Perform EVM improvement with cross-correlated EVM and IQ-NC.
- Cross-correlated EVM is a technique used to extend the dynamic range of a receiver for best EVM performance
- Two receivers like oscilloscopes, PXI VXT, wireless test set, and X-series signal analyzers are used to capture and demodulate the same signal independently and perform cross-correlation on the error vectors to cancel out uncorrelated noise added by the receivers, resulting in a much lower EVM
- This technique causes the ccEVM value to primarily contain just the noise coming from the device under test (DUT)
- 89601EVMC option with VSA 2022 Update 1.0 release or beyond can enable accurate and best EVM performance of WLAN signals (requires WLAN 89601B7RC and/or 89601BHXC licenses)
- 89601EVMC option with VSA 2023 release or beyond can enable accurate and best EVM performance of 5G NR signals (requires 89601BHNC 5G NR license)
- 89601EVMC option with VSA 2023 Update 2.0 release or beyond can enable accurate and best EVM performance of Custom OFDM (requires 89601BHFC license) and Flex Frame (requires 89601AYAC license)
- 89601EVMC option with VSA 2024 release or beyond can enable accurate and best EVM performance of Satellite Communication for DVB-S/S2 (requires 89601DVBC license)
89601EVMC supports MIMO 2x2 and 4x4 signals in the 802.11n/ac/ax/be, Custom OFDM, and 5G NR measurements with VSA2024 release
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