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Passende Inhalte
86205A RF Bridge, 50 Ohm, 300 kHz to 6 GHz
Perform reflection measurements, signal leveling, and other applications with unparalleled accuracy
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Perform reflection measurements, signal leveling, and other applications with unparalleled accuracy
Superior RF performance
- Coupling factor: 16 dB + 0.15 dB/GHz (< 3 GHz); 16.5 dB - 0.20 dB/GHz (> 6 GHz)
- Directivity: 30 dB to 0.3 MHz, 40 dB to 2 GHz, 30 dB to 3 GHz, 20 dB to 5 GHz, 16 dB to 6 GHz
- Return loss: 23 dB to 2 GHz, 20 dB to 3 GHz, 18 dB to 5 GHz, 16 dB to 6 GHz
- Insertion loss: 1.5 dB + 0.1 dB/GHz
The Keysight 86205A high directivity 50 ohm RF bridge offers unparalleled performance in a variety of general-purpose applications. It is ideal for accurate reflection measurements and signal leveling applications.
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