Achieve rapid certification of your products with automated RF emissions testing

The EMSEC emission analyzer system uses the proven technology and equipment used in the Keysight E3238S signal intercept and collection system. With the new system based on Keysight instrumentation and ESI software you can accelerate your RF emission testing procedures allowing you to reduce the time it takes to achieve government certification of your products.

  • Automated RF emissions testing
  • Integrates ESI DSP software with Keysight instrumentation
  • Automated functions for DSS, peak search and signal correlation
  • IQ data stored for post-test analysis and investigation
  • Software supports conventional manual test techniques
  • Automated report generation
  • Extends and enhances the capabilities of the Keysight E3238S systems
  • Accelerates RF emission testing to achieve certification
  • Request more information and Keysight’s partner, EMSEC Solutions, will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.