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MBP 2019 Product Release

Model Builder Program (MBP) 2019 includes the following new features and major enhancements:
Introducing MBP 2019
MBP 2019 delivers the new aging model extraction package, new re-centering package and plentiful of usability enhancements to further improve modeling productivity and efficiency.
New MOSRA level 3 aging model extraction package (W8614EP/ET)
- Automated extraction flow for MOSRA HCI and BTI model generation
- Supports both compact and subcircuit model as core model
- Enables manual tuning and auto optimization
- The flow could be further customized with MBP script
Figure 1. Shift of Ids and Vth vs. stress time.
New model target re-centering package (W8626EP/ET)
- Presents both error table and IMV plots at the same time
- Support for two different inputs: .mea and .csv
- Easy to recognize PASS/FAIL according to the colors
- Supports exporting the error table to an Excel file
Figure 2. New model target re-centering package.
Enhancement in the corner tweaking
- Enables you to add as many bias targets as you want
- Introduced "DeviceIndex" to match NMOS and PMOS pair
- Added the button “Extend Devices” to enable the extend simulation for all the delta_l and delta_w (“horn mouth”) plots
Figure 3. The delta_Idsat “horn mouth” plot.
Check for parameter’s effective value
- When loading a model, MBP now shows a warning message if any parameter’s effective value is out of boundary.
- When "Check Parameter Boundary" is checked, MBP now shows a warning message if any parameter’s effective value is out of boundary.
- When "Enable Hard Boundary" is checked, MBP’s hard boundary now takes effect on binned parameters as well.
New model versions
- BSIM-BULK 106.2.0
- BSIM-IMG 102.9.1
- HiSIM_HV 2.4.0
- HiSIM2 3.0.0
- UTSOI 2.2
Other enhancements
- Statistical modeling package - add the Load/Save buttons to easily import/export corner and mismatch spec file
- Lib Parser - the order of the previously loaded libraries now stays the same when a new library is added. Besides, the folding of the libraries (+ button) will not be reset after a new library is added.
- WAT mapping data plot - add the option to display Median Line which connects the points representing the median values of WAT mapping data.
- Binning model simulation - to be consistent with HSPICE/Spectre, the internal engine will not have simulation results if the instance of data is out of the bin model range
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