This is a list of videos which provides you information on our teaching solutions. It provides you with valuable knowledge, tips and labs from the university courseware. Check out the videos below.

Keysight Radar Principles & Systems Teaching Solution

This video demonstrates one of the labs on CW and Doppler Radar operation which is a part of Radar principles & systems teaching solution by Keysight and Dreamcatcher. The package serves as a ready-to-teach package in the area of radar systems and analysis, including CW, Doppler, FMCW, pulsed and imaging radars.

November 4, 2013

Antenna and Propagation - Polarization Measurement (Lab 5)

This is an antenna polarization measurement lab exercise from the Keysight University Teaching Solutions. This particular exercise is taken from the lab 5 of DreamCatcher ME1300 Antenna & Propagation university courseware. This lab setup consists of the Dreamcatcher ME1300 training kit and Keysight Fieldfox RF analyser.

May 13, 2013

EMI and EMC Labs on Video

This is a lab exercise captured on video on the topic of Crosstalk, taken from lab 4 of the ME1400 EMI & EMC university courseware.

Feb 14, 2013

Digital Systems Teaching Solution

This solution focuses on digital system design, verification, and implementation using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform.

Jul 18, 2010

Digital RF Communications Teaching Solution

This solution focuses on digital communication fundamentals, digital modulation techniques, baseband and RF transceiver analysis, transceiver architecture, and end-to-end digital RF system verification.

Jul 18, 2010

RF Circuit Design Teaching Solution

This solution focuses on the teaching of RF theory, circuit design, and circuit characterization. The training kit consists of a transmitter and receiver unit with all the necessary accessories for a quick and easy setup of an RF teaching lab.

Jul 18, 2010

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