5G C-V2X Test Lab
Accelerate Test. Improve Safety.
The race is on to be first to market with safe autonomous driving as car manufacturers improve safety. As new standards evolve, test accuracy, repeatability and reliability mandate the need for both application layer testing and 3GPP compliance readiness. The regulatory uncertainty for C-V2X standards is delaying investment in establishing and staffing test labs. C-V2X includes vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to-network (V2N), and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P).
Introducing Keysight Test-as-a-Service 5G C-V2X test lab in Novi, Michigan. Keysight, the 5G automotive industry test leader, helps customers solve design and test challenges with the broadest and most reliable end-to-end hardware and software solutions. Let our experts show you the latest automated test setups that apply Society Automotive of Engineers (SAE) protocols with Keysight PathWave software.
Keysight offers you C-V2X application layer, standards, parametric, and custom testing scenarios. Accelerate time to measurement with minimal cost. Reduce risk by performing safety scenarios testing at our lab with our experts. Contact Keysight today to delve deeply into complex measurements to rapidly uncover true insights about your design.
C-V2X application layer testing
Access state-of-the-art test setups, PathWave software, and expertise for congestion, day one, and complex scenario testing of the C-V2X application layer and intelligent transportation services (ITS) stack.
Keysight provides
Standards-based testing
Access the latest test setups, PathWave software, and 5G experts to validate your product performance to standards-based specifications for pre-compliance and conformance tests.
Keysight provides
Parametric Testing
Access modern instruments, Pathwave software, and experts to help characterize the performance of your design.
Keysight provides
Custom testing
Partner with Keysight application consultants to design and develop test plans for your latest product design.
Keysight provides
About Keysight Services
Keysight Services offers the most comprehensive array of people, processes, and tools in the industry to help you improve productivity and product quality. Our calibration, repair, asset optimization, technology refresh, education, financing, and additional services focus on lowering your risks and costs. Learn more at
Introducing PathWave
Traditional product design and development workflows are full of design and test silos, unnecessary rework, and legacy manual processes. Accelerate your workflow with PathWave, the platform for agile and connected engineering workflows. Keysight’s trusted design and test software is evolving to meet the ever-increasing needs of your organization. The PathWave software platform provides a consistent user experience, common data formats, and control interfaces. Find out more about the PathWave Software Platform.
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