L4490A/91A RF Switch Platform



The Keysight Technologies, Inc. L4490A/91A RF switch platform simplifies the task of defining and building a custom switch matrix. Engineers are often under pressure to lower cost and get to market quickly. The L4490A/91A provides the right tools to easily define and build a custom switch matrix while reducing your overall design time – all without sacrificing signal integrity. In addition, with the robust design, you can have confidence in the reliability and longevity of your system.

The RF switch platform easily integrates into your test environment with standard rack mount kits, LAN and GPIB connectivity, graphical web interface and software drivers for the most common programming environments.

This platform is ideal for R&D and manufacturing engineers creating custom switch matrices for A/D and wireless applications testing mobile radios, handsets, base stations, radio components, and other wireless devices. Also, with the broad range of supported switches up to 50 GHz, you can future-proof your investment for emerging standards like WiMAXTM, LTE and UMB.

Build custom designs from multiplexers, blocking or non-blocking matrices or a combination of both with signal conditioning to meet your unique needs.

Hardware Platform

Two Sizes with Ample Space to Mount Switches and Other Components

2U and 4U high versions of the switch platform are available to give you flexibility for your unique needs and expandability for future projects. Both platforms come standard with 64 coil drives integrated into the enclose with options for expansion. The 2U version uses a bottom mounting tray with pre-drilled holes for mounting up to 8 multiport switches or a combination of devices using optional bracket kits. See Figure 1.

The 4U version has a unique switch mounting system with a robust design ensuring that all components are securely mounted, giving you confidence in a highly accurate and repeatable RF connection. It utilizes a switch mounting system with a tray for vertically mounting switches and attenuators using optional bracket kits. All devices are securely mounted with the RF connectors on top, giving you a compact, flexible solution to meet your custom needs.

The 4U switch mounting tray has plenty of space for mounting and controlling up to 48 SPDT switches or 16 multiport switches, or a combination of these and other devices. Note that some complex switch configurations require more than the supplied 600 mA quiescent current. See quiescent current calculations in the specifications section for more information. Another mounting tray at the rear of the instrument provides space for mounting additional components. There is also an optional front panel with locations for mounting up to 8 multiport switches. The 4U unit also has a location on the rear panel to mount a user-provided fan for when cooling is required. See Figure 2.

The design also provides easy access for building, customizing and servicing the unit. You can easily remove the top, bottom, front and rear panels for quick access. The front and rear panels can be customized for your unique needs. You can drill or punch holes for mounting RF connectors, LEDs and other signal routing components. See Figure 3.